

Friedhöfe in Deutschland

Friedhöfe in Deutschland

Jaeschke, Y. 2015. Der Hoppenlaufriedhof in Stuttgart: Schutz, Erhalt, Bürgerengagement. – In: Friedhöfe in Deutschland: Kulturerbe entdecken und gestalten, BHU, Bonn 2015, S. 24-33.


The Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal: Education and Engagement 2019

Jaeschke, Y. 2019. Museums & Death: The Role of European Museums of Death, Funeral and Mourning Culture. The Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal: Education and Engagement, 04.09.2019 – 07.09.2019, University of Bath, Bath.

Jaeschke, Y. 2015. Der Hoppenlaufriedhof in Stuttgart: Schutz, Erhalt, Bürgerengagement. 12.06.2015 – 13.06.2015, Historische Friedhöfe in Deutschland, Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel.



Jaeschke, Y. 2017. Death and the Museum: European Museums of Death, Funeral and Mourning Culture [Master’s Thesis, University of Leicester].

Jaeschke, Y. 2016. Safeguarding intangible heritage in museums .

Jaeschke, Y. 2016. Visitor evaluation and exhibition planning .

Jaeschke, Y. 2016. Recommended for You: Personalization is the key trend in the digital age. The museum of the future knows your interests .

Jaeschke, Y. 2016. The Luschan Collection in Berlin and human remains curation .


Jaeschke, Y. 2015. The Production of the Sputnik Shock.

Jaeschke, Y. 2012. Die Frühe Neuzeit als Medienzeitalter: Der Sturm auf die Bastille in der französischen und deutschen Presse.

Jaeschke, Y. 2011. Threat Perceptions and National Security During the Era of McCarthyism.

Amerikanistik & Englische Literatur

Jaeschke, Y. 2012. The Construction of Gender in post-war Southern Literature and Media: queering the Southern imagined space [Master’s Thesis, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen].

Jaeschke, Y. Hawthorne’s ‚The Scarlet Letter‘ and the Contemporary Market .

Jaeschke, Y. Hauntings in Paul Auster’s ‚The New York Trilogy‘ .

Jaeschke, Y. Queer Theater of the 1990s and Beyond: Sarah Kane’s ‚Cleansed‘ .